
Effectively treat water that contains Cryptosporidium parasites - Households & holiday homes.

How do you to treat Cryptosporidium issues in your home?

Before addressing what to do about Cryptosporidium, you first need to understand the impact it can have on those who consume or use contaminated water.

Cryptosporidium is a microscopic parasite that causes severe diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting and fever. Because the parasite is protected by an outer shell it can live outside the body for long periods of time, making it tolerant to chlorine disinfection. This means even chlorine-treated mains water can become contaminated causing a Cryposporidium outbreak and affecting whole communities.

This can have a devastating impact on your family or guests that use the contaminated water for drinking, showering, preparing food or teeth cleaning. The good news, there are a number of water filtration system options that will ensure your water is safe from the parasites and other contaminants.


The Whole House Solution

A whole house system option is the primary choice for protection against Cryptosporidium, as it protects everyone in the house including pets. Because the parasite can survive outside of the body, it is imperative that all water used within the home is treated, protecting every form of use including (but not limited to) drinking water, food preparation, showering & even brushing your teeth!

The Hybrid G13 systems are designed with households in mind. These systems are designed to filter out chlorine and sediment and to also kill bacteria using RadfireTM ultraviolet technology. Because these are whole house systems, it means every tap in your home delivers filtered and safe-to-use water.

  • Filtered water at every tap
  • Radfire™ UV technology kills bacteria
  • Flow Rate: Up to 54 Lpm @40mJ/cm²




Point of Use Options

The Hybrid M1 systems are designed to filter & treat water from a single tap and uses the same RadfireTM technology to kill bacteria as the Hybrid G13 system.

The PureMix Z6 & Z1 Series filters also protect your water from a singular tap, using instead Ultra Z filtration technology to filter out the nasty parasites as well as other contaminants.

  • Flow Rate: Up to 8 Lpm @30mJ/cm² (M1), 9.5 Lpm (Z6) and 5.5 Lpm (Z1)
  • Protects a singular tap
  • M1 - Radfire™ UV technology to kill bacteria
  • Z1 & Z6 - Ultra Z technology to filter down to 0.1 micron
Important Note:The M1 & Z Series systems have excellent filtration capacities but it important to consider they protect only a singular point when compared to a whole house system that protects all points of use. For Cryptosporidium treatment, a system for each household tap would be required and would not protect shower water use. Cross-contamination between hot and cold lines needs to be considered. UV treatment assumes the water remains clear and flow rates do not exceed the maximum at the specified UV dosage.